Page 14 - IT'S A RUM LIFE BOOK TWO "BOSTON 1960 TO 1970"
P. 14
He was a cranky old chap who had been working there all
his life and made life very difficult for me an 18 year old lad! I
had many heated exchanges in the middle of the composing
floor trying to get Alf to make even small changes.
I would normally finish about 10.30 pm and for this I had
Saturday morning off.
Great for me, but for most of the workers, Saturday was a
light morning and normally ended in the ‘Nags Head’ pub by
The first eight pages or so from the front, were all
There were other distinct benefits with reading the
classified ads first. If there was anything I really needed I had
first choice and could normally make a purchase before the
paper was even printed!
This came in especially useful when I was eventually
setting up home with Ruth.
Additionally, after work on Thursdays I went down to the
back door of the print room and sold the various local editions
to literally thousands of folk as they left work.
They were normally after the “for sale” adverts or job