Page 93 - IT'S A RUM LIFE BOOK FOUR Volume 1 "Northcote 1984 to 1998"
P. 93
see was taken. There was some chance for a laugh despite all the drama of the day!
But you do see the question remains......the message I received earlier that very morning
had been proved to be quite correct. This only helped to increase the strength of my Faith!
This tale comes from the mid 1990's when I was using an old 400cc Honda Superdream
for all my travels.
This included delivering all the promotional leaflets and posters for the Horse Centre in the
springtime, throughout the whole of Lincolnshire, down south of Peterborough, out to
Norfolk and then west into most of Nottinghamshire and north up to Hull, Beverley and
across to the Yorkshire coast.
The bike was a pleasure to drive and very reliable. Its one failing was corrosion and severe
rust on the rear chassis. Eventually I could see that there would be no metal left to weld
and I would have to seek another ‘steed’ to help me on my journeys.