Page 8 - OMS Benefits Guide
P. 8

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                                                              Illnesses Treated:

        Telemedicine                                          • Respiratory Infections – Sinusitis /


                                                              • Urinary Tract Infections

       Telemedicine is available to                           • Pharyngitis / Sore Throat / Strep Throat
       Orion Measurement’s employees
       through your GAP plan.                                 • Pink Eye / Conjunctivitis

       On average, it takes just 12                           • Seasonal Allergies
       minutes for a physician to return
       your call and 30 minutes to get                        • Cold & Flu
       resolution. Should you need to                         • Indigestion / Diarrhea
       consult a doctor, it costs just
       $0.00. No hidden fees. No                              • Shingles
       surprises. This is healthcare that

       never requires you to read                             • Poison Ivy
       between the lines.
                                                              • Minor Sprain and Muscular Strains

                                                              • Motion Sickness when Traveling
              To register and to view
         instructions for use, click here.
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