Page 190 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 190
A V O N M A T E R I A L S U P P L I E S L T D ( A M S L T D ) D R I V E R T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 2
What are the affects of Asbestos on the body?
When exiting my vehicle to tip Asbestos what must I do?
1. Follow instructions given on site
2. Wear a properly fitted, suitable mask (e.g. Disposable FFP3 type) An ordinary dust mask
will not be effective you must use the mask you have been face fit tested with.
3. Wear protective disposable overalls (Type 5) always remove your overalls before removing
your mask.
4. Wear boots without laces or disposable boot covers.
5. Put disposable clothing items in asbestos waste bags and dispose of them with the waste.
6. Reverse when instructed onto the tipping face and release the catches for Skips or Ro/Ro
7. Return to the front of the vehicle and commence tipping, the container will then be washed
out by the landfill operator.
8. Move forward and then close the container doors, when clear of the tipping area there is a
disposal unit for your PPE/RPE
There is more information available at
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Reviewed May 2024