Page 10 - RMYS Archives Newspaperclippings 1939 to 1942
P. 10

24 June 1939 Port Phillip Sea Pilot retires after 50 yars at sea

                                                                                                                                        This clipping was found in the pages that are displayed on the next two pages

                Southern Cross class and Star class racing                                             45

                Acrospire starts in the International Cup . Finishes third                             45

                14 footers crossing the St. Kilda Regatta start line                                   47

                14 footers crossing the St. Kilda Regatta start line                                   49

                Symphony in Sail. 18 footer Elwood Seahorse at Elwwod Regatta                          51

                Symphony in Sail. 18 footer Elwood Seahorse at Elwwod Regatta                          52

                A1 class yachts Heather asnd Eu-Na_M<ara                                               56

                Tumlaren yachts Tarrna and Zest                                                        58
                21 footers start in the Sturrock Cup                                                   59

                Jubliee Class Fulmar                                                                   62

                A class handicap start Toogooloowoo II Koomla and Sonia take the lead                  63

                Mrs B Snider prepares for St.KYC Ball                                                  66

                Stradbroke II                                                                          66

                White Wings at royal St. Kilda during Cheel Cup                                        68

                Jubliee Freydis at St. Kilda Sailpast                                                  68
                                                                                                                                                          Reverse side of this loose newspaper clipping
                Bathers watch the opening of the season at St. Kilda                                   69

                Sunshine and shadow off St. Kilda Pier                                                 72

                18th Dec 1939 Tumlarens heading for the start line                                     78

                19th Feb 1940 Yachts in the Tumlaren class Tarna and Zest                              79

                                                                                                                                Image 9590/9790
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