Page 78 - RMYS Archives Newspaper clippings 1934 to 1935
P. 78

    28   Dec 1934 How tiny ships braved big seas. Crews rest after two races                                                 th
    28   Dec 1934 Bailing the Te Rununga across the Tasman                                                                28   Dec 1934 Bass Strait racers are home. Four yachts have fine voyage.
                                                                                                                          28   Dec 1934 Fishing boats sailing up from Queenscliff becalmed seven
                                                                                                                          miles off Williamstown. Ethel May brings cargo of Barracouta to Melbourne

    Te Rapunga crew drinking from steins at St. Kilda                                                                        The Oimara crew drying out after a fight with Bass Strait heavy seas

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