Page 5 - CYAA 2024 Winter Series Race Two Comments and Photos
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Still, we rugged up in great   Division One chasing relentess
 expectations of that 80%
 ‘drizzle and 25 knots of   The chase of the fleet leaders was by the division one fleet was

 wind. Didn’t happen.  10-  relentless. Mercedes III maintained her one minute lead over
 15 Met Eye westerlies was   .   Boambillee     after the wing mark rounding but when Boambillee
 Even so the riddle of the   started the hard work of trimming her full and by the lee kite. Overtake
 Port Phillip sands was the   Mercedes III was the word on Boambillee. And over take she did. For a
 forecast and actual    while that is, sadly for Boambillee, she had to go through the same
 westerlies while the wind   motions that cost Rawhiti the 1907 Sayonara Cup race two win to
 record showed easterlies.   Sayonara. The drop in speed during the kite drop to approach and round
 Check the Breakwater   the bottom mark allowed Mercedes III to surge past and regain her one
 wind record saying   minute lead. Stirring stuff for sure.
 easterlies?? Life’s full of   Again, like a reprise of 1907 it was a procession between Division one
 riddles isn't it?  classics but not so with Mercedes III’s  race to catch Akala.  A slight

             bottom mark rounding drop off by Akala allowed Mercedes III to get to
 Didn’t matter, as Port Phillip was set for another day of great classic
 yacht racing.   weather and overtake Akala 50 metres from the line. A close run thing
             was the word here from Mercedes III.
 Race two fleet performances
             Moment of the day
 Our Division Three  starting number while a bit small in numbers was    The Division one feature moment of the day was the crossing the finish
 full of classic yacht heritage with the 1923 Alwyn in the mix.  Once   line performance by Mercedes IV. A bad wind knock while approaching
 again Akala had an on the money start.  the  finish line gave Mercedes IV the fit’s. It was on by clean tacking to

             starboard then back to port that put her across the finish line five
 Our Tumlaren fleet featuresd with a  six starters, three of which took   seconds ahead of Boambillee. A notable finish line performance indeed.
 advantage of the local wind and pulled of a brilliant Port hand start  to
 establish an early lead over the three starboard hand starters.   In the results washup, the overall corrected times show Race two was
             Mercedes III day to shine with both division and fleet first for over the
 Our division one fleet was full of hot shots from yesteryear.  Mercedes   line and corrected times.

 III with Doug Shields on the helm positioned herself two boat lengths
 to windward to cover Boambillee. Boambillee said no to this and   Day Corrected time results
 tacked away after crossing the start line. Mercedes III then  tacked   Click on these link to check out the corrected time results for each
 over to port and  then back to starboard at the top mark lay line.  division and overall.

 Mercedes IV had a delayed start due to the rough time she suffered   Sail of the day
 when going for a port hand start. At the top mark it was amixed bag of   Of note was the performance sail by Akala. To be second over the finish
 roundings. Some classic made the mark on port while others had to   line by 34 seconds  after Mercedes III indicates a lot of hard work was
 concede to the the starboard hand incoming.   happening on Akala. Same applies to  Tumlaren fleet times in which
             Avian lead the Tum fleet home by twenty three seconds over Ettrick.
 Both Pastime II’s and Cyan’s starting plans fell to the capricious
 mind of the wind.   Analysis of the race two corrected times show a range of a bit over four
             minutes across thirteen of the fleet. As classic yacht racing is the only
 On the reach to the wing mark, the chase to the Tumalren and Division   subject spoken about in polite circles we don’t mention the performance
 three fleet continued. Alwyn managed to hold her position with some   of the fourteenth finisher. Next time perhaps.
 of the  the Tumlaren fleet while Akala and Astrud worked their boats
 hard to make the best of the light wind reaching capabilities of their   Race two photo album.
 Classics. Unfortunately the local wind strength ensured hull speed   The photo album on the following pages show how close the race was
 wasn’t one these capabilities.  between the Tumlaren fleet.
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