Page 8 - Panamuna Details Oct 5 2020
P. 8
From RPYC Archivist
Re “Panamuna”, from our records, I can confirm that she was designed and
built by E & A Montgomery (the Montgomery Bros) in Melbourne Victoria in
1950 as a Sloop. Her listed dimensions were LENGTH 46’ 6”” - L.W.L. 35’ –
BEAM 8’ 2” – DRAFT 6’ 9” – SAIL AREA 750.
She was first registered at RPYC IN 1954 and given a Club Number of 168
with a sail number of R1 with an Admiralty Warrant No 177232 issued 18/08
1954 and the owner was Bill Lucas.
Lucas sold “Panamuna” to RH Cook who sold her to Bond on 07/12/1966. She
was then sold to John Davey and re registered at the Club in 1968.
The old “Pana” Crew of Alan Abjornsen – Athol Gibson – Ross Bradbury –
Newty Roberts – Brian Guhl are all now deceased.
We have a large selection of photos, perhaps you would like to drop down and
have a look. It will take a while to gather sailing results but will attempt to do
this in the next few days.
Link to West Australian Newspaper articles on Panamuna