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P. 182
Wanderer, Phyllis. Crew of Phyllis after race. 85 Wanderer crew dinner at Sydney RAC. Bunyip leads at start of Forster cup triasl race
Maysie crew with damaged and broken fittings 87
Oimara 120
Maysie Top mast gone 89
Mr. J.F.Bennell. 121
Oimara and crew of Oimara after race. 90
Crossing the line at St. Kilda 8th Fen 1930 122
Oimara winner of Bass Strait race 91
Dinghy Championship Grange SA 127
Crew of Wanderer at St. Kilda 93
Morna under sail. St. Kilda regatta every class of craft 129
Broken Maysie fittings, Frank Bennell washed overboard and rescued 94
Galatea with 12`Ft. Cadet dinghies Cutty Sark and Monsoon 131
Course of Maysie Noel Monks Journalist. Washed``overboard and rescued on
Oimara. High Diving chanp Dived off Prince’s Bridge, stopped bolting horse in Eu-Na-Mara with every yard of canvas 132
Flinders St. 95
Queesland Forster Cup Gwylyn and crew.Corella `````````````````` 133
Wanderer crew at St. Kilda Front page of Sun newspaper 96
Queensland Forater Cup Reps arrive St. Kilda Regatta photos. Acrospire III 21Ft. Race
Wanderer crew landing at St. Kilda. Front page of Sun Newspaper 21st Dec 1929 won by Nareen, Ranee, Galatea and the Digby 21 footer Bunyip. 134
Yachting in hobsons Bay Acrospire III Williamstown Punts and A1 and A class event 137
Four masted Barque Lawhill 98
21 Ft yachts compete in Albert Cup 140
Start of yacht race across Bass Strait 99
Victoria and Interstate Forster Cup Skippers cartoon 141
Crew of Shamrock on return to Royal Geelong. Sydney Yacht Morna 101
21 footers compete at start in Brighton 142
Start of Bass Strait Yacht race Oimara and Shamrock in the Tamar 102
21 footers compete at Brighton 21 footer Caress rounding a Brighton Mark From boat
Galatea, Worane and Thera Toogooloowoo in new bermudian rig 103 looking for shark that killed Norman Young 143
Last of Lord Brasseys Sunbeam. Sirocco with Errol Flynn heads to New Guinea 104 Frank Annear Stonehaven Committee 143
First heat of Sayonara Cup Vanessa with Acrospire IV 105 21 footers Corella and Tassie III 144
Vanesa and Acrospire off Sydney Heads 106 Three instate yachtsmen Figgis, Whereat and Norman Wright Salvaging sunken 21
footer Gwylan after storm. 145
Vanessa and Acrospire IV during Sayonara Cup 107
Broken Sparof Caress 145
Crew of Acrospire IV 108
Contrast to Thursday Gale Gwylan broken mast Sail repair, Caress II on slipway 146
Vanessa off Sydney Heads 111
Forster Cup Skippers and crew NSW III and Gwylan crew after gale 147
Vanessa by John Alcott 113
Second heat Forster Cup start. 21 footers under tow 148
Vanessa and Acrospire at Sayonara Cup first heat star. When square sails were in
vogue, the big Topsail t 114 Albert Cup start close view as 16 yachts get away in line 149
Fifty years ago Battleship and passenger liners had sails 115 Tasmanian dinghies in Stoanehaven Sail off Winning crew of Tasmanian dinghy Gumnut
in a Stonehaven Cup race 150
Famous boats of the past yachts and a square rigger, Era, Sao, Magic, Electra 116
Cynthia blown ashore at St. Kilda. Gwylan being pushed off aftyedr being blown into the
Crews of Vanessa and Acrospire IV and the yachts under sail 117 shallows. Thera after being caught in gale. 151
A newe Tassie Tassie III 118 NSW III receive Forster Cup Trophy at St. KYC dinner.. Firecrest at LeHavre 152
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