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P. 202
The start of the 21 footer race in the Centenary yachting regatta at St. Kilda. 65 Sailing across the A1 class handicap start line. Acrospire IV leads from Eun-na-
mara, Acrospire III, Petrel and Ranee 104
Before the start of the Centenary Regatta 21 footer race 66
The start of the 14 foot Dinghy class championshiop won by Traid 106
Ngataki and her crew Te Repunga 67
A launch takes out Centenary Regatta viewers 107
Start of Centenary Regatta B Class race Rawhiti leads from Fancy, Windarra,
Killara, Winsome II, SJS and Vendetta. 68 Start of the 14Ft. Dinghy race, Triad (Vic), Southerly( Vic) Silver Spray (SA)
Mystery( Vic) Chance (WA) 108
212 footer Quondong and her crew. Soon afterr 21 footer start Milsonia leads 69
Skipper of 12Ft. Dinghy Maple Leaf (NSW)carries sails 109
Te Repunga Tasman Race winner. Start of Centenary Regatta A class 70
A class yachts competing in Centenary Regatta 111
Former German yacht Te Rapunga. Queensland 21 footer Dolphin 71
Galatea racing away in Centenary regatta. Triad 14Ft dinghy champion. Settiing
Ngataki and crew before Tasman race start Sharpoie yacht. TeRapunga skipper the main sail on Southerly 113
and crew 72
Mr Vic Lucas 114
The German yawl Te Rapunga first across the finishing line 73
Tassie Three competing in first heat of Forster Cup off Brighton 116
The German owned yawl crossing the Gellibrand finishing line 75
Judith Pihl 117
Yacht Petrel and Eun-na-mara skimming along before the breeze. 77
Toogooloowoo II 118
Te Rapunga crew drinking from steins at St. Kilda 78
Three in a line Acrospire V, Toogoolowoo II and Judith Pihl 119
The Oimara crew drying out after a fight with Bass Strait heavy seas 79
21 footer Nerana (SA) 119
Shooting the Sun on Ngataki. Crew memebrs seated on stern during a calm spell
81 Crossing the line in the second heat of the Forster Cup L to R Royalist, Tassie
Three, Tassie Too, Carina, Gwylan, Milsonia and Dolphin, 120
Ngataki ties up in Williamstown after 21 days from Auckland 82
Tassie Three at start Sonia blown ashore, Jack MCLaren 19, Youngest Forster
Unknown crew ashore. Where? Franch Young of Collins Street Melbourne photo Cup skipper Skippers wait for storm to pass 12221 footer Royalist Leads from
86 Dolphin Yachtsmen ready to brave the heavy seas 123
Startr of Northcote Cup race, Judith Pihl leàds Toogooloowoo II , Acrospire V and High seas at St. Kilda 124
Sjo-Ro 88
Forster Cup Deciding Heat L to R Royalist, Dolphin, Milsonia and Gwylan before
21 foot restricted class race start Bunyiop won the event. Insert John and Judy the start 125
Bar-? 90
Forster Cup Deciding Heat L to R Royalist, Dolphin, Milsonia and Gwylan before
21 footer Topsy D Skipper Ken Digby A Cemtenary competitor 92 the start 126
Start of 14 foot Dinght race Mirage times the start perfectly 93 Last heat of Forster Cup. Gwylan leads Milsonia first time round 130
Start of Cebntenary Regatta fishing boat race 94 Start of third heat of forster Cup L to R Dolphin, Gwylan, Royalist and Milsonia
Mr. Harry Batt 95
Yachts begin Bass Strait race Ngataki and Te Rapunga. Organised by RYC of
21 fishing boats from Queenscliff give a splendid display in the Centenary Regatta Tasmaina 135
Fishermans Handicap event 98
Centenary Regatta Auxilioary Cruisers event soon after the start Kylie leads 100
Sailing across the A1 class handicap start line. Acrospire IV leads from Eun-na-
mara, Acrospire III, Petrel and Ranee 103
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