Page 5 - PPYH Nov 1888 to Nov 1890 Vol Four 23 3rd May 1890 to 28th July 1890
P. 5

Table of Contents

 RYCV, Brighton and St. Kilda last race of the season 3/5/90   6  1889/1890 Season summary of each clubs racing programme
                24/5/90                                                                                36
 RYCV last race of the season description 3/5/90   10
                HBYC Sweepstake race dissapointing 31/5/90                                             46
 Portland regatta voyage race. Letters from skippers 3/5/90   12
                Yachtsman saterical  letter to Williamstown Council 31/5/90  47
 Lloyds Register count HBYC Last race descp.  5/5/90   14
                HBYC Building fund concert  at Mechanics Institute 31/5/90  48
 RYCV General meeting at Port Phillip Club Hotel 5/5/90   16
                1889/1890 Raceason summary of each yacht clubs racing
 Albert Park YC intent to conduct regattas 7/5/90   18  31/5/90activity                                50

 Port Fairy YC intent to conduct a regatta 8/5/90   19  RYCV Annual dinner at Masonic club  7/6/90     54

 New York YC ask Earl of Dunmore to accept challernges from   HBYC, BYC and St. Kilda YC respond to toasts 7/6/90   55
 Katrina, Shamrock and Titania to race for cash prizes 9/5/90  20
                 Hon J.S. Butters MLC proposes toast to race winners                                   56
 RSYS Dinner for Cmmdr Milson . VYRA delegates active in
 frames rules and regulations for its constituation 9/5/90   21  As Federation is now in the air a proposal to constitute United
                Royal Yacht clubs of Vic for defence purposes discussed.
 Port Fairy contemplate a Regatta. 9/5/90  Private race at B’tn.   Entitled to Government grants  Mr Butters raise point about
 YC 9/5/90   22  underappreciation of yachting 7/6/90                                                  58

 HBYC To give a club building fund concert Federal YC confirm   Albert Park Lake comments  and APYC news 7/6/90   62
 positions for Hewitt Trophy 9/5/90   23
                Formation of a dinghy saiing club at St. Kilda YC for winter
 RYCV General Meeting details 17/5/90   24  sailing 21/5/90                                            70

 Federal Yacht Club Hewitt Trophy arrangements 19/5/90   30  Model Yacht club at HBYC is suitable location 27/6/90   72

 Nautical Academy youngester activity 24/5/90   32  Federal Yacht club annual social 5/7/90            73

 HBYC to host Model Yacht club meeting 24/5/90   33  Smoke nights at RYCV St. Kilda & Poirt Melbourne YC’s 26/6/90

                Model Yacht building instruction.                                                      74
 HBYC Sweep stakers race arrangements24/5/90 Possible White
 Heather 650 ton yacht visit   34  HBYC Annual social dinner  12/7/90 Other clubs provide
                trophies and HBYC Wins them comment                                                    80
 Centre Board Gravity discussion Shamrock to be launched
 next week 24/5/90   35  English Yacht’s Boat Sailing Association  Thistle awarded
                Royal London match race against Yarana                                                 86

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