Page 10 - RMYS Archives Newspaper Cliippings 1905 to 1911
P. 10

List of Illustrations

               24th April 1909 Sorrento Regatta report Northcoite races fall through no support from
              clubs  1st May 1909 Dinghy racing report                                                                                    Evolution of Classic yacht sheer plan                                              26
              26th Feb 1912 extracts at bottom of page                                                      97
                                                                                                                                          Growth of clasic yacht sail area                                                   28
              1  st  May 1909 cont’d Dinghy Racing report
              8th May 1909 Chief winners in each club report                                                98                            Sayonara and Rawhiti comparision od Sailo area and hull shapes                     47

              8th May 1909 Cont’d Yachting dispute Heather rating certificate delay One design racing                                     1907 Northcote Cup second event course                                             47
              commernts St’Kilda improvements
              26th feb 1912 Extracts cont’d at bottom of page                                               99                            Bruny Island ocean race course                                                     75

               Undated notes on local yachting. Dispute over boiat hire at Albert Park yachting and                                       1909 Sayonara Cup Dimensions and Sail area of Sayonara and Thelma                  89
              Angling club. Motor Boat racing new Port Melbourne Open race                                 100

              The value of Yachting. Need to convert St. Kilda pier into a breakwater Northcote Cup
              dispute  Contemptible and Trumpery Yacht club case about boat hire at Albert Park
              Yachting and Angling club                                                                    101

               Jan 1911 Northcote Cup Contest abandoned Sydney owners claim  RYCV regatta
              Paringa entry                                                                                102

               Noirthcote Cup Very Heavy Weather Firsdt heat postponed  Precedence of yacht clubs
              dispute between BYCand GYC Arbitration by Chief Justice Jophn Maddern Hobart
              opening days of ther seas marred by rain Report                                              103

               Hobart Opening of the season report Cont’d Nortrhcote Cup First heat today                  104

              Great Carival to provide funds for New Breakwater at St. Kilda Northcote Cup Strong
              Sailing Weather Killara wins easily. Killara wins again Breakwater Carival The race report

              The St. Kilda club. Killara wins open race Northcote Cup Won by Killara Challengers
              iRawhiti mproved form                                                                        106

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