Page 4 - RMYS Archives Newspaper Cliippings 1905 to 1911
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               The Sea Shanty                                                                            8                             9th Oct 1906 St Kilda beach improvents complaints
                                                                                                                                       9th Oct 1906 Yacht Harbour at St. Kilda 1906/1907 Season smoke nights and club
               30th Oct 1905 Letters to Argus editor Yachting Gear,                                                                    flag officer elections at all clubs
               30th Oct 1905 America Cup                                                                                               27th Aug 1906 Public Opinion Hegarty’s Baths                                           27
               |30th Oct 1905 Yacht in danger at St. Kilda. Adrift in the Bay                          15
                                                                                                                                       27th Oct 1906 VYL and VYRA conference Leaguie clubs to join VYRA
               30th Nov 1905 Ventursome Boys in Reply                                                                                  27th Oct 1906 LaCarabine Cup, Associoation Challenge Cup reports HBYC seceded
               30th Nov 1905 Alone in a Dinghy                                                                                         from VYRA two years ago. PPYC Member builing a McKenzie design.  One better
                4th Nov 1905 Marine Board Regulations                                                                                  that Slocum and Voss. Plan to row around Cape Horn. Waratah slipped at Knights
               7th April 1906 America Cup Lipton 4th  challenge intentions                             16                              3rd Nov 1906 Old Salts at RYCV report 1
                                                                                                                                       0th Nov 1906 Club opening invitations, Mr Gollin depeats from RYCV for residence
               ? Nov 1905 PMYC race report. BYC Race report                                                                            in Lopndon Mr Gollin work to acquire St. Kilda club house. RNZYS conduct power
               6th Jan 1906 Christmas cruising reports                                                                                 boat races                                                                             28
                3rd March 1906 BYC Race report
               2nd Dec 1905 Yachts for sale StKYC McCuitcheon Cup report Breakwater progress,                                          13th Nov 1906 America Cup Emglich Challenge accepted
               HBYC opening day preparations                                                           17                              19th Nov 1906 Yachting Season opening reports. Crews entertained at St KYC Club
               2nd Dec 1905 Geelong YC First race of thge seasoin, club hoiuse improvements BYC                                        19th Nov 1906 Yachting season opened Fine display on the Bay.                          29
               Black Rock opening day report. RSYS Beauchamp trophy report, RSAYS Openday
               Day  HM King offers two trans Atlamtic trophies. RNMZS allow power launch reps on                                       19th Nov 1906 Yatchsmen as Men of Warsmen
               C’mm Rawhiti arrives in Sydney                                                          18                              21st Nov 1906 BYC Opening, St. KYC Miss Fogartys trophy. Vic NSW contest
                                                                                                                                        17th Nov 1906 Opening of the season Evolutions in the bay
               30  Dec 1905 PMC Boats Peel desogncount                                                                                 24th Nov 1906 Opening of the season celebrations                                       30
               23 Bec 1905 StKYC Breakwater report Christams cruising palns 30th Sept 1905 StK
               Breakwater SJS Protest                                                                  18                              13th Nov 1906 America Cup challenge accepted by NYYC
                                                                                                                                       22nd Nov 1906 VYRA banquerst at ST KYC English Yacht clubs report
               1st Jan 1906 Sayonara for sale RYCV Regatta at St Kilda   and results                                                   26th Nov 1906 BYC Opening Mr Bent attends
                3rd Martch 1906 Sorrento Regatta BYC 30 year old  breakawater protection problem,                                      24th 1906 St. KYC, BYC anf HBYC opening day reports St. KYC Miss Fogarty’s race
               club racing reports from BYC, HBYC, and PMYC..                                          19
                3rd March 1906 Tommy Bent attends BYC Regatta, PMYC Boat swamped by stern                                              24th Nov 1906 Reports on Clubs season opening celebrations.
               following wave that filled her mainsail.                                                                                1st Dec 1906 Sayonara Cup challenge from RSYS,  BYC opening and first race
               31 March 1906 Geelong Raing W Blunt wins Domates trophy                                                                 3rd Dec 1906 Port Melb YV report Flag officer list. HBYC boat at PMYC. Club racing
                31st March 1906 New life infused at BYC Club Race report                               20                              seaon prparations . Sayonara and La Carabine challenges race date                      32

               31st March 1906 BYC Racing report, Port Phillip YC celebrate commencem,ent of                                           8th Dec 1906 Port Mrlb YC opening day report Victorian Launch club news Sydney
               new breakwater.                                                                                                         selct 18 footer for interstate champs in Perth. NZ Barrel boat for round the world
               24th March1906  BYC, St KYC HBYC race reports Soreento Rgatta program.. Ketch                                           voyage. HBYC news.Cruise to  Mornington, Sayonara first to arrive
               rigged Minota sole to German firm for Solomon Islands work                              21
                                                                                                                                       27th Nov 1906 Mr. Dutton’s new yacht to replace Wruna
                                                                                                                                       10th Dec 1906 St. Kilda Breakwater news News from St. Kilda,BYC at Black Rock
               The evolution of the racing yacht sheer paln and midship sections of representitive                                     Colac                                                                                  33
               types Sheets one and two                                                                22
                                                                                                                                       8/10th ec 1906 HBYC  St. Kilda. Albert Park race news
               The evolution of the racing yacht Sheer paln and midship sections of representitive                                     15th & 17th Dec 1906 Yachting news from HBYC Brighton Lake colac Regatta
               types Sheets three and four                                                             23
                                                                                                                                       Gregory Water colour of M<ystery gifted to St. KYC  Mystery a fast boat with a very
                                                                                                                                       long boom                                                                              34
               Growth of sail area in the racing yacht America 1851  and Shamrock 1899 New
               Gellibrand Lighthouse                                                                   24
                                                                                                                                       21st Dec 1906 Rawhiti deoarts sydney on a Sat. No voyage begins on a Friday.
                                                                                                                                       29th Dec 1906 Geelog YC claim 2nd rank precedence over Brighton YC to
               25th May 1906 Point Gellibrand light Notice toi Mariners                                                                arbitration . Golac Regatta Charlie Blunt new boat for Colac Regatta. HBYC Varuna
               18th Aug 1906 Mr Bent at Yachting Social. Tickling the Premier for local favours                                        competes. Yacht crew competitions
               18th Aug 1906 Yachting smoke night “Tickling the Premier”                               25
                                                                                                                                       27th Dec 1906 Rawhiti on reduced rations due to storms.
                                                                                                                                       4th Jan 1907 Mearsurement of Sayonara and Rawhiti                                      35
               8th Sept 1906 Letter to Editor St Kilda Yacht Club site.
               15th Sept 1906 Letetr to Editor The St. Kilda Yacht club                                                                5th Jan 1907 General exodus for yachts for cruising Cowes and Prom. Thistle top
               15th Sept 1906 The St., Kilda Esplanade                                                                                 mast loss during picture taking. La Carabine entries HBYC novice race. BYC Walter
               22nd Sept St. Kilda Yacht club house                                                                                    Webb trophy race Prince alfred Open race report.  Interstate yachting Different types
               26th Sept 1906 Letter to Editor St Kilda Beach                                          26
                                                                                                                                       of boats. Yachts on St. Kilda slips Preparing for big race                             36

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