Page 3 - CYAA (Vic) 2022 Winter Series Race one at RMYS Post Race notes
P. 3

Photo Bernardette Hoskings

                                                                         Race one start

     A view of the start line 10 seconds after the starting gun. With a 12 knot head wind the chosen course gave all boats a chance to show their elegant classic lines

     The Tumlare Sirocco was on the money. She crossed the lime one second after the gun. In the front line mix were the Tumlarens Snow Goose and Ettrick with Martini
     close at hand. Fairwinds was all powered up and was soon take over as fleet leader to the Top Mark. The S&S Sirocco, in her first time racing with the Port Phillip
     classics, gave the fleet a brilliant display of why she deemed to be the quintessential classic yacht.. Further back we can see the Tumlare Avian trying to escape the
     Ettrick cover while Kingurra was giving due deference to make sure she wasn’t early for the line. At the pin end, the Folkboat Seabird was all set for a great start but
     too much speed did her in.
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