Page 10 - RMYS Archives Newspaper clippings 1915 to 1924
P. 10
6 Dec 1915 Age/Argus Notes from Brighton St. Kilda, St. K Dinghy and Albert Park Clubs
List of Illustrations 10 Dec 1915 Race schedule for BYC, St. Kilda to Mornington, Cooeeana sold for fishing
purposes. Boats on BYC slip. St.K Dinghy Club competitor capsized. Club to conduct a
Patriotic Regatta on Foundation Day.
Race for Northcote Cup 18th Feb 1918. Killara The Rip Killara leading The Rip First
race 22
Fishing out Mr Dudley after going overboard from the Helen 34
Mr Percy Damman’s Killara 36
The art of fishing and life saving as presented by Mr Jones Xmas 1920 37
The sailing ship Viking under full sail on Port Phillip 50
Uira Thje flagshiop of the St. Kilda club owned by Mr. Mareshall Commodore. A
nine metre class boat and winer of innumerable trophies 52
H M The King at work on the Britannia which has had so successful a season 53
Accident to Bona The skipper injured 62
Diagram of 21 foter stern and transom line 75
Miss Belle Marshall 76
Yachts and Motor launches on the slip at St. Kilda Yacht club 81
Mr. Bernie Snider’s new 21 foot racing yacht Tahnui to compete for Albert Cup 83
Yachts at St. Kilda Yacht club Regatta Feb 1923. Fairlie II, Helen leading Kurrewa II
and Uira, Yeulba leading Independence, Fancy and Rona, Joker, Eu-Na-Mara
winner of Regatta 93
Mr S E Holyroyd Dec.A member of RYCV 100
St. Kilda Yacht Club building and location of new Soldiers Memorial 112
Drawing of St. Kilda YC Club house and proposed new building 114
18th July 1924 What might have been. St. Kilda foreshore trust suggestion of an
artificial island to the St. Kilda Yacht club. 120
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