Page 109 - RMYS Archives Newspaper clippings 1915 to 1924
P. 109
23 Feb 1924 BYC Regatta Caress wins Albert Cup. Race started on time Letter to Editor about Hobartr crew on Corella. Purpose of crew was to coinsider a
Several late arrivals did not make alowance for adverse winds. Largest Entry Forster Cup challenger from Hobart.
for any class race in Aust. Petrel wind Geelong perpetual cup. EOJ wins 1 March 1924 Forster Cup won by Nettle . Reports on each race.. Visitors
second invitation Forster Cup. Idler and Nettle sunk during 19 Feb storm entertained at St. Kilda YC. Lord Forster at RYC for drawing of Royalist Syndicate.
Won by Jim Douglas, skipper. Sir Dudley d’Çhair new NSW Governor attended .
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