Page 4 - RMYS Archives Newspaper Cutting 1913 to 1914
P. 4

Table of Contents

                                                                                                                                      Jan 28 1914 Geelong Regatta
               Australasian Nov 15 1913 Opening day for VYRA Clubs,                                                                   Jan 28 Noirthcote Cup New Victorian boat Jan 31 The Geelong Regatta                     34
               Nov 15 Yacht ashore
               Nov 21 Ladies Day tomorrow at BYC                                                       11
                                                                                                                                      Jan 29 1914 Northcote Cup Shipping difficulties
                                                                                                                                      Jan 30 Club race arranged. Feb 2 Yachting Half a gale on Albert Park lake race
               Nov 22 1913  Opening day reports                                                                                       podstponed. Open races held                                                             35
               Nov 28 Club events
               Nov 29 BYC Gala Party VYRA  report                                                      12
                                                                                                                                      Feb 2 1914 Motor Boat Championship. Nautilus II Champion Feb 5 Northcote Cup
                                                                                                                                      First heat tomorrow                                                                     36
               Dec 1 1913 Interstate Regatta 1914
               Dec 3 launch of Northcote Cup challenger.                                               13
                                                                                                                                      Feb 5 1914 Northcote Cup Contest in sydney Harbour.
                                                                                                                                      Feb 6 Brighton club events.
               Dec 5 1913 Racing season opens                                                          14
                                                                                                                                      Feb 6 Motor Boat championship. Protest dismissed                                        37
               Dec 6 1913 Club racing reports,                                                                                        Feb 5 1914 Geelong Foundation Day Regatta Jan 26 1914 John Murray Narita, SJS,
               Dec 6 Vic Interstate Regatta 1914 Entries. Yachting reports from BYC and Port Phillip                                  Gannet, Rita, Salacia, Gannet, Eileen, There. Fancy. Brittania and Circe, Eileen.
               and Port Melb                                                                           15
                                                                                                                                      Mystery, Salacia, Native, Siren and Uira, Paringa, Capsize of Areo                      39
               Dec 8 1913 Port Phillip Yacht and BYC Race results                                                                     Feb 6 1914 Northcote Cup Yachts and crews details Ratings calculated
               Dec 11&12 Interstate Regatta                                                            17
                                                                                                                                      Feb 7 Northcote Cup history                                                             40
               Dec 13 Yachting Notes by Sail locker Interstate Regatta Committee                                                      Feb 7 1914 Northcote Cup Race Rawhiti II the winner                                     41
               Dec 19 Club events by Helmsman                                                          18
                                                                                                                                      Feb 7 1914 Easy win for Rawhiti II The Victorian Boat has a mishap Rips Mast
               Dec 20 1913 Yachting notes by Sail Locker 6 Assoc. Clubs race report BYC, St.KYC,                                      carries away                                                                            42
               PPYC and St. Kildsa Dinghy Club reports                                                 19
                                                                                                                                      Feb 7 1914 Rawhiti II wins first race A Marred contest Rip loses her mast               43
               Dec 22 1913 Interstate Dinghy Races,
               Dec 26 Amesfield Park Regatta Lipton Cup to Tasmania to encourage yachting.                                            Feb 9 1914 Rawhiti II wins. Killara’s sail splits The race in detail                    45
               Interstate Regatta News                                                                 20
                                                                                                                                      Feb 9 1914 Northcote Cup Rawhiti II wins Blue Ribbon. Misfortune to Victorian boat.
               Dec 27 1913 Yachting Notes by Sail Locker RSYS and St. Kilda and Perth Dinghy                                          Magnificently contested race                                                            46
               clubs in dispute over invite decline to compete in Brisbane 14Ft
               Dec 29 Mornington Regatta Jan 1 1914 Interstate Regatta                                 21
                                                                                                                                      Feb 9 1914 Rawhiti II Wins.  An exciting race. Plan of the course                       47

               Jan 2 1914 Interstate Regatta Yachts and Motor Boats Close finishers Motor boat                                        Feb 9 1914  The Brighton Regatta Feb 10 Utiekah returns from Hobart. Association
               speed championship                                                                                                     Cup off St. Kilda pier Feb 14 Yachting by Yawl Northcote Cup race details               48
               Jan 3  Northcote Cup skipper and crew selection                                         22
                                                                                                                                      Feb 14 1914 The Northcote Cup Race descriptions                                         50
               Jan 5 1914 Interstate Regatta results
               Jan 9 Activity among clubs                                                              24
                                                                                                                                      Feb 14 The Northcote Cup Race descriptions cont’d                                       51
               Jan 10 1914 Yachting Notes by Sail Locker Interstate Regatta Description  Port Melb                                    Feb 14 1914 Association Cup course Feb 16 Association Cup results Club racing
               Yacht club activity.                                                                    25
                                                                                                                                      Hobart Ocean Race.  Feb 20 St. Kilda club events                                        52
               Jan 10 1914 Yachting news by Jill. Port Melb YC news Jan 10 Gale in the straits A                                      Feb 21 1914 Siren wins Association Cup for second time
               perilous passage by Mr G E Giles HBYC 12 mile open race                                                                Feb 21  St. Kilda and HBYC race news.
               Jan 12 HBYC news                                                                        30
                                                                                                                                      Feb 23 Racing news                                                                      53
               Jan 17 1914 Christmas day Gale. Utiekah II story, RYCV 9 metre race                                                    Feb 27 1914 Club racing resumes Match race between The Rip and Killara
               Jan 19 VYRA and RYCVconduct VYRA races                                                  31
                                                                                                                                      Feb 28 St.Kilda YC Race descriptions                                                    54

               Jan 24 1914 14Ft Dinghy champs at St. Kilda Open race to Geelong Galatea                                               Feb 28 Club yachting news. Yacht launched at Black Rock. Horses a problem.
               Victorious Dorothy wind class B                                                         32                             March 2 RYCV Cruiiser race to Schnapper Point. Cont’d next page                         55

               Jan 23 1914 Annual race to Geelong. Motor Bnoating Annual race to Geelong.                                             March 6 Royal clubs regatta
               Jan 26 Brisbane 10 Ft. Dinghjy Champs, Mark Foy Cup 18 Ft Champs in Perth                                              March 7 RYCV Cruiser race notes                                                         56
               Jan 26 Race to Geelong Galateat wins                                                    33
                                                                                                                                      March 7 1914 Olympic Games 8 metre yacht considered for Aust
                                                                                                                                      March 9 Royal Yacht Club regatta report.

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