Page 3 - CYAA 2024 Winter Series Race one story with pics
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from the start line. So much that she was well ahead of the Tum fleet
 CYAA 2024 Winter Series
               by the first  and second marks

 Race one 5  May 2024  With our Division one classic’s it was  a great scene to see Pastime II
 16th May 2024  sail clear of her fleet to be first overall to round the Top Mark and the
 The race one story
               second rounding mark. Mercedes IV put in a great return to classic
 By the old Moulmein Pagoda   racing, Although our wind didn’t go above 3.5 knots, there was never a
 looking a lazy at the sea.   moment Mercedes IV was becalmed. The duel between Mercedes IV
               and Boambillee provided a view of great classic yacht duelling to your
 Forget those Mandalay   race committee.  Another close Race one duel was the approach to the
 thoughts, it sure wasn’t a good   second rounding mark by Marama and Martini.
 look for us while floating
 around on Port Phillip at   Our Division three fleet was lead around all marks by the ever
 10:00am.      consistent Akala. Her kite hoist and set and that of Avain’s at the

               rounding of the second mark were seriously well timed crew work.
 Such was the scene leading up
 to our first race of the 2024   Although the wind was extremely light  there was no way the race was
 Winter Series  to be changed to a shorten course result. This was the ideal opportunity
               to brush up the crew’s light wind sailing skills on a classic yacht.
 However, your ever optimistic

 race committee said let’s set a   On the run done to the bottom mark Pastime II was overtaken by
 start line. She’ll be right.  Mercedes IV and Boambillee.. Same story applied to Yvonne
 The old Moulmein pagoda looking lazy at the sea  overtaking. Avian. Avian’s crew report they can still hear the lap, lap
 As we know fortune follows the brave and brave your race   of the bow wave on the approaching Yvonne.   Martini put on a good
 committee was. Dame Fortune finally smiled on them.
               spinnaker handling show on this leg.
 At 10:20am, not too far   While Boambillee went deep at the last m,ark that gave Mercedes IV
 down south, a slow moving   a head start on the tight run to the re-located finish line she soon found
 wind line appeared.  We were   the wind to point high and overtake Mercedes IV to bring the fleet
 in business.  With 3,0 knots   home with her overall line honours and best on corrected time by 20

 of wind at 10:25 am, our race   seconds over Yvonne for race one. Mercedes IV was next on corrected
 began on scheduled with the   time as she lead Pastime II home by 19 corrected time seconds
 CYAA class flag was
 displayed  to the trumpet   Across the fleet we had some close over the line battles..
 bark of the sound signal. It
 was ear muff time again for   Boambillee was 22 secods in fron to Mercedes IV
 that great man.  Zephyr was home by 9 seconds over Avian. A big day for Zephyr.

 While each divisions went   Martini gained on Marama to lead her home by 1 min 25 secs.

 off to an all clear call there were some notable starts. Akala was
 moving well and hit the line on the signal to lead the division three   All up we went from expecting a no race to one of the better days of
 fleet away in fine style.  After keeping clear of Marama, a notable   lclassic yacht racing in light winds. An unexpected delight.
 clearing out from the start line by Astrud was the feature start for   Here’s a link to the Race one results by division.
 division three.
               Now to race two.
 For the Tums it was the on port blitz through the Tumlaren fleet by
 Avian that drew the race committee’s attention.  She sure cleared out   Regards to all

               Peter Costolloe, CYAA (Vic) Handicapper
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