Page 7 - RMYS Archives Bert Ferris Collection 1946 Sydney to Hobart
P. 7

Jan/Feb 1947 Seacraft Magazine Contents and Editorial

 List of Illustrations

 Morna lewading fleet out of Sydney Harbour   24

 Small craft swarming around the yachts   26

 Gaff schooner Mistral   30

 Yachts at the start of the race   31

 Christina as seen from the RAAF Liberator   33

 New Zealand entry Ilex departoing Wellington   38

 Bermnudian cutter Winston Churchill running fast   40

 Morna reefed down in Storm Bay   44

 Gaff Schooner Mistral in Storm Bay   46

 Winston Churchill in middle of Bass Strait   52

 Merlan arrives in Tamar   54

 Merlan from Geelong   62

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