Page 131 - Kỷ yếu Cao Tiến Vị
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and  the  move  of  textile  and  electronics           Sojitz  and  Saigon  Paper  will  work

            production to the country from China. Toilet        together on recyclable wastepaper collection
            paper  demand  quintupled  in  that  time  as       from industrial parks, logistics facilities and
            living standards improved amid annual growth        the  Ministop  convenience  stores  that  the

            in gross domestic product of about 6%.              Japanese company helps operate.

                Saigon  Paper’s  founders  formed  the              The  trading  house,  which  has  been
            company  in  1997,  but  now  see  a  need  for     expanding  operations  in  Vietnam,  aims  to
            greater  efficiency  and  capital  investment.      raise  its  papermaking  sales  in  the  country

            Sojitz  will  send  six  managers  from  Japan      around 40% to roughly 18 billion yen by 2022.
            to  help  revamp  the  company’s  finance  and                                         YUJI OHIRA

            accounting  systems.  The  trading  house                                Published on 26-06-2018
            will  consider  updating  the  manufacturer’s
            production facilities as well.                                              Vietnam-industry-leader-Saigon-Paper

                                          Lễ công bố chuyển giao nội bộ T6-2018

                                                  CAO  TIẾN  VỊ - HAI  THẬP  KỶ CÙNG GIẤY  SÀI GÒN 131
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