Page 7 - Workbook-chapter 2
P. 7


           2.4 Moisture

            Moisture content is expressed either as a percentage of the wet weight or as a percentage of

          the dry weight of the material [2]. A transfer of moisture takes place in the garbage can and truck,
          and thus, the moisture content of various components changes with time [6].

            The moisture content of solid wastes is useful for estimating heat content, landfill sizing, &
          transport requirements [2]. Particularly, it becomes important when the refuse is processed into

          fuel or when it is fired directly [6]. That means that waste moisture parameter are one of set of
          controlled data in treatment technologies.

            In order to measure moisture content - M (%), we need to determine initial (wet) weight of
          sample delivered - w & final (dry) weight of sample  sample after drying - d. Both have the same

          unit (kg/lb). The usual expression for calculating moisture content is

                                                         w − d
                                                   M =          × 100

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