Page 4 - Radio Play Digital Program
P. 4
Mick and Moira is a rewrite of a classic radio show starring
“Nick and Nora.” It was rewritten by Michael Massie to
include more female characters and update it a bit for
today’s audience. “Nick and Nora” was a Radio series called
“The Adventures of the Thin Man.” It aired between 1941 and
1950. The radio series came about after a film series and was
loosely based off of a novel by Dashiell Hammett in 1934. Mr.
Massie kept the premise and changed many of the
characters and much of the dialogue. He then wrote a brand
new piece and recorded it to try and get an old radio feel for
the students. They also reworked a Five Minute Mystery for
“39 Steps” was originally penned by Alfred Hitchcock. Joe
Landry then rewrote the piece for stage as a radio production
for COVID days: “The 39 Steps: A Live Radio Play.”
A big thanks to the cast and crew. These kids wrote the
commercials, brainstormed the sound effects, and wrote
lyrics as a group. They are incredibly talented. Check the
website for audio of a couple other radio shows we recorded.