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달에 피다 bloom in the moonlight  80x100cm 한지에 분채 2023

                               모정 이 윤 숙  Mojung Lee Yun Sook

                               초대·개인전 20회 / 2인초대전ㆍ국내외 아트페어 및 단체전 다수
                               작품 소장 / 국립현대미술관 미술은행ㆍ전남문화재단ㆍ순천시문화건강센터 등
                               심사 / 전라남도미술대전ㆍ순천미술대전ㆍ소치미술대전ㆍ남농미술대전
                               역임 / 한려대학교 미술학과 강사ㆍ한국문인화협회 순천지부장
                               현재 / 한국미협 순천지부ㆍ호미회ㆍ현대한국화ㆍ광주전남문인화ㆍ순천문인화 회원
                               호남대학교 미술대학(한국화) 졸업 및 동대학원 졸업
                               순천시 송정길 38(조례동) 모정화실   010-8667-4037

        20 invitational solo exhibitions / 2 invitational exhibitions, domestic and foreign art fairs, and many group exhibitions
        Collection of works / National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Art Bank, Jeonnam Cultural Foundation, Suncheon Culture and
        Health Center, etc.
        Judging / Jeollanam-do Art ExhibitionㆍSuncheon Art ExhibitionㆍSochi Art ExhibitionㆍNamnong Art Exhibition
        Served as / Lecturer in the Department of Fine Arts at Hallyo University / Director of the Suncheon Branch of the Association of Korean
        Literary Artists
        Present / Member of the Korea Fine Arts Association Suncheon BranchㆍHomihoeㆍModern Korean PaintingㆍGwangju Jeonnam
        MuninhwaㆍSuncheon Muninhwa
        Graduated from Honam University College of Fine Arts (Korean Painting) and graduated from the same graduate school
        Suncheon Songjeong-gil 38 (Jorye-dong) Mojeong Art Room
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