Page 2 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 2
Dear Sayagyi U Ba Than,
I am really honoured to be given the opportunity to write a Birthday
Greeting for our beloved Sayagyi. This is not an ordinary Birthday
Greeting but for special occasion of Sayagyi’s 90 Birthday. Happy 90
Birthday to Sayagyi U Ba Than.
Sayagyi is well known in the Mechanical Engineering community as a
dedicated lecturer and a disciplinarian who is strict at marking
examination papers. In spite of this, our Sayagyi is well liked and
respected by his students. He would prepare his lecture materials
immaculately and methodically deliver them with patience. With so
much effort and dedication invested in the lectures, I think it is
justifiable to expect high returns from the students.
Even though my service at RIT was not too long, I must say that I learnt
a lot from Sayagyi in terms of teaching, handling students and
administration of the department. Learning from such a wise and
experienced person has made me a better person to face the world as
an engineering educationist later in life. I am indebted to Sayagyi for
the experience gained and would like to pay respect as “Arsariya Gunaw
Anandaw” .
Living in Singapore, I am not able to meet Sayagyi too often these days.
However, on rare occasions, I had the opportunity to meet Sayagyi
during the Saya Pu Zaw Pwes. When I met Sayagyi at one of the earlier
ones, I was sad and disheartened to see Sayagyi being helped for his
mobility. But at subsequent Saya Pu Zaw Pwes, I noticed Sayagyi’s
health has improved remarkably. I learnt that it is sticking to regular life
style and meditation practice that did the trick. Sayagyi, please
continue with this “magic” formula for your longlife.
May I now wish you many more Happy and Healthy returns of the
Tu Myint