Page 23 - NEPALI_SB34_Esther
P. 23

“The king
        æxfdfgn] df]b{s}nfO{ dg gk/fpg'sf] k5fl8 pgsf]   “he went before Xerxes     gave Haman
                                                     and explained that
          3d08 / /fhgLlt dfq xf]Og, t/ xh"/sf       your people do not               his signet
       dflg;x¿k|lt k':tf}Fb]lv /xFb} cfPsf] 3[0ff klg xf] .   keep the king’s laws--  ring.
                                                       “--that it would
              t/ pgn] xh"/sf] ;Dk"0f{ hfltnfO{ g}       be best to
            ;+xf/ ug]{ ljz]if lbg tf]Sgsf nflu lr7\7f   destroy them.
                    klg xfn]sf 5g\ Û
                                                            “he o ered a
                                                            fortune for the
                                                            royal treasury.

                                                                                      to decree
                                                                                      that the
                                                                                      people be

                                                    “And any who help may
                                                    plunder their belongings.
                                                      “This is not just Persia,
                                                      but all the provinces
                                                        Xerxes rules.
                                                    “it’s nothing short
                                                    of annihilation of
                                                     the followers of
                                                     your one god.
                                                     “the Jews mourn
                                                      and lament.
                                                       ætkfO{F{+sf] bfO klg .

                                                 æ/fhf cxf;"/; / xfdfg
                                                   clxn] ;Fu} dBkfg
                                                    ul//x]sf 5g\ .Æ

                                                    æof] ;fFrf] x'g

          w]/}n] ljZjf;
         ub}{gg\, kmf/;L /
         ox"bLx¿ b'j}n] .
               t/ of] pbL{ k9]kl5
               xh"/sf] cljZjf;
              x6\g]5 . of] b]zel/
               km}ln;s]sf] 5 .
               xh"/sf] bfOn]
              dnfO{ o;sf] Pp6f
               k|lt lbg'ePsf]

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