Page 11 - NEPALI_SB18_David4
P. 11
s]xL ;dokl5=========
some time later… cdgf]g, s] ltdLnfO{ of]gfbfa, dgk5{ dfq xf]Og,
your half-
that is not the
sister tamar,
ltd|L ;f}t]nL alxgL d t Psl5g klg d]/f] cfFvf
half of it. I can’t
she interests k p my eyes o
pgLaf6 x6fpg ;lQmgF . d
tfdf/ dgk5{ < of her form. I think
t pgL;Fu} lg/Gt/ eO/x]sf]
of being with her
sNkgf ul//xG5' .
cdgf]g ltdL lsg xtfz
why are
you so haard I am in
5f} < ltdL t Psbd
love with my
amnon? you lk d d]/f efO cAzfnf]sL alxgL
brother absalom’s
te ible.
bogLo b]lvG5f} . tfdf/;Fu k|]ddf km;]sf] 5' . t/
sister--tamar. but it is
pmgLl;t PSn} e]6\g jf glhs
impoible for me to
get alone or close
x'g d]/f] nflu c;Dej 5 .
with her.
that is
Tof] ;dfwfg
an easy
ug{ ;lhnf] 5 .
to solve.
go to bed
ltdL la/fdL ePsf] axfgf u/]/
and pretend to be
come to
P gfgL, cfpm
cf]5\ofgdf uP/ ;'lt/fv clg bed with me
i. ask the king to
send tamar to prepare my sister!
ltd|f] nflu s]xL ljz]if /f]6L
dl;t ;'t Û
some of her special
agfOlbg p;nfO{ k7fOlbg" egL
baked bread for
/fhfnfO{ cg'/f]w u/ .
ltdLx¿ ;a}
leave the
sf]7f 5f]8]/
hfcf] .
xf]Og, To:tf] gLr sfd
do such a wicked
gu/f}F Û O;|fPndf To:tf]
thing! such a thing
should not be done
sfd slxNo} ul/g'x'Gg Û
in israel!
138 II samuel 13:1-14
@ zd"Pn !#M!–!$
II samuel 13:1-14