Page 17 - NEPALI_SB18_David4
P. 17
t/ ;a}n] o;/L
but not
everyone felt get out--
;f]]r]gg\ .
this way. hf hf, P xTof/f Û god is
you man of
repaying you
bl d! you t}Fn] aufPsf] /utsf] lglDt
P abdfz Û
k/d]Zj/n] tFnfO{ abnf
scoundrel! for a the bl d
you have shed and
lnFb} x'g'x'G5 . TfF a/afb
he is bringing you
x'g nfu]sf] 5;\ Û
to ruin!
why should
of] d/]sf] s's'/n] lsg
this dead dog
xh"/nfO{ ;/fKg] < d Pp6} let him maybe
curse my lord and
god wi s my
king? let me remove 5f]l8b]cf] . ;fob cfhsf] lbg dnfO{ of]
k|xf/df To;sf] 6fpsf]
distre and pay
his head with one ;/fksf] ;§fdf k/dk|e'n]
p8fOlbG5' . me back g d for
d]/f] si6 x]g'{x'g]5 / dnfO{
the cursing I am
now receiving.
cflzif lbg'x'g]5 .
maybe he
dnfO{ ;/fKg ;fob
is cursing
k/d]Zj/n] g} To;nfO{
because god
eGg'ePsf] 5 .
told him to.
absalom, my
cAzfnf]d d]/f] cfˆg} 5f]/fn]
own son, is trying
to take my life,
d]/f] Hofg lng vf]H5 eg] o;
how much more
a]GofdLgLsf] t s] s'/f ug'{ <
then this man of
144 II samuel 16:5-14
@ zd"Pn !^M%–!$
II samuel 16:5-14