Page 25 - NEPALI_SB18_David4
P. 25
x] d]/f 5f]/f
oh my son if only
t]/f] ;§fdf
absalom! it had b n
cAzfnf]d Û
d} d/]sf] eP t x'g]
me that died
instead of you,
lyof] .
my son!
xh"/n] t xh"/ / xh"/sf] kl/jf/
you have just humiliated I swear to you that
olb xh"/n] aflx/ uP/ cfˆgf
nfO{ arfpg cfˆgf] Hofg hf]lvddf if you do not go
a your men who risked
their lives to save you
xfNg] xh"/sf dflg;x¿nfO{ nlHht dflg;x¿nfO{ pT;fx lbg'ePg
out and encourage
and your family. eg] cfh /flt Pp6} dflg; klg
your men not one
t'Nofpg'eof] .
wi be left by
xh"/;Fu x'g]5}g .
nightfa .
it wi be
xh"/n] clxn];Dd
far worse
ef]Ug'ePsf ;a}
than a the
;Íi6x¿eGbf of]
calamities that
have fa en to
;Íi6 rflxF ;a}eGbf
you thus
v/fa x'g]5 .
xh"/nfO{ 3[0ff
you hate
those that
ug]{x¿nfO{ xh"/ k|]d
love you and
ug'{x'G5 / xh"/nfO{ k|]d
love those
ug]{x¿nfO{ xh"/ 3[0ff
that hate
ug'{x'G5 .
I s
cfh cAzfnf]d afFr]/
that you would
be pleased if
xfdL d/]sf eP rflxF
absalom were
xh"/ v'zL x'g'x'GYof]
alive and we
h:tf] kf] dnfO{ nfU5 Û
were a dead!
/fd|f] s'/f, /fhf
g d,
the king is
d"n9f]sfdf al;/
seated in the
xg'ePsf] 5 . the king
d rway. xfdLn] pxfFsf]
knows we
lglDt /fd|f] n8fOF n8\of}F
fought hard
egL /fhfnfO{ yfxf 5 .
for him.
152 II samuel 18:33–19:8
@ zd"Pn !*M##–!(M*
II samuel 18:33–19:8