Page 5 - NEPALI_SB16_David2
P. 5
t/ /fhfsf] Jojxf/n] pu| d
but the king's
cfˆgf] b/af/df dflg;x¿l;t af]ln/x]s} a]nfdf cs:dft\
I wi
an evil spirit su enly came on saul as he spoke behavior became bfpmbnfO{
?k lnof] .
to the people in his court. they were likely the increasingly violent. pin david
zfpmndfly xflgsf/s cfTdf cfof] . To;a]nf p;n] af]n]
to the
mad sp ches of a false prophet or ravings leQ}df plglbG5'
sf zAbx¿ Pp6f e"m§f] cudjQmfsf] ljlIfKt af]nL em}F lyof] . wa .
of a person troubled by an evil spirit.
xflgsf/s cfTdfåf/f kLl8t JolQmsf] as\as h:tf] dfq lyof] .
bfpmb ;w}F em}F b/af/df jL0ff ahfP/ /fhf / pgLx¿
david was playing the harp in the royal
court as he usua y did, trying to
j/k/ /x]sf dflg;x¿nfO{ zfGt t'NofpFb} lyP .
s the the king and those around him.
t/ k/d]Zj/ bfpmbl;t
but god was
x'g'x'GYof] .
with david--
zfpmn bfpmbb]lv 8/fP
saul became
afraid of
lsgls k/dk|e' ltgLl;t
david, because
x'g'ePsf] t/ cfkm"nfO{
he realized
that the lord
rflxF TofUg'ePsf] s'/f
was with
pgn] dx;"; u/] .
had left him.
/ pgL zfpmnn] xfg]sf] efnfb]
--and he was able
lv ts{g ;kmn eP .
to dodge the spear
thrown by the
seasoned waior.
! zd"Pn !*M!)–!@ 69
I samuel 18:10-12
I samuel 18:10-12