Page 14 - NEPALI_SB14_Judges4
P. 14
d ltd|f] 5'6fpg]jfnf gft]bf/ ePtfklg,
lrlGtt gxf]pm, d]/L 5f]/L====h]
Don’t wo y, child…I wi However, while I am a redmer,
deGbf glhssf] c¿ gft]bf/ klg 5g\ .
do what is required. My
ug'{kg]{ xf], ;f] d ug]{5' . ltd|f] u'0f o; there’s another nearer than I.
in the morning I’ s if he’
fe ow townspeople
gu/sf ;a} dflg;x¿n] b]lv;s] ltgn] ltdLnfO{ 5'6fpF5g\ ls 5'6fpFb}
redm you.
have a sn your
if he
gg\, d
sf 5g\ . wi , then
laxfg x]g]{5' .
let him do
To;sf/0f ¿y laxfg;Dd} ToxLF 9lNs/lxg\====ta af]
So Ruth stayed until just
before dawn…Then Boaz prayed:
chn] k|fy{gf u/] M
x], k|e',
tkfO{F hfGg'x'G5 ls
You know I
d}n] ¿ynfO{ 5f]Psf] 5}
haven’t touched
oxfF cfPsL s'/f
s[kf u/L s;}nfO{ yfxf
don’t let it
be known she
t/ gxf];\ tfls d]/f] sf/0f
came here, so
Your Name is
pgn] 5'6fPgg\ eg] tkfO{Fsf] gfpF ckljq
if he won’t,
not profaned
gxf];\ .
then--as the
klg, hLljt k/dk|e'sf] ToxLF through
LORD lives--I
Just lay
s;d, d lgZro g} laxfg;Dd 9lNs/ me.
there until
x====clxn] aflx/
wi .
5'6fpg]5' . morning, child…
it’s not safe
lg:sg' ;'/lIft 5}g Û
to travel now!
ta af]chn] ¿ynfO{ ^ kfyL hf} lbP/ k7fP . cfkm"n] ¿ynfO{ nfhdf ta ¿y a]yn]xd kms]{======
then Boaz gave Ruth as much grain as she
So Ruth returned
kf/]sf] 5}g egL gfcf]dLn] yfxf kfpmg\ egL pgn] of] sf];]nL k7fPsf to Bethlehem…
could carry…a good gift to show Naomi
that he had not sent Ruth away in disgrace.
lyP .
x] Û d]/L
did it go, my
5f]/L, s:tf] eof] <
12 ¿y #M!!–!^
Ruth 3:11-16
Ruth 3:11-16