Page 29 - Midway Dental Q2 2017
P. 29

2nd Quarter

                                                                                                      Specials       2017
                                                                                                   April 1 to June 30

                                                                      ONE NE
                                                                      SIMPLE & ESTHETIC
                                                                      SIMPLE & ESTHETIC
                                                                      CEMENT FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS
                                                                      CEMENT FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS

                A NEW MILESTONE IN
                ADHESIVE CEMENTS

                2#0#8+# 8  KU C VTWG FWCN EWTG
                                                                                      3604KA Panavia V5 Intro Kit (Universal)
                                                                                      3604KA Panavia V5 Intro Kit (Universal)
                RGTHQTOKPI TGUKP EGOGPV                                               3605KA605KA Panavia Panavia V5 V5 Intro Intro Kit Kit (Clear) (Clear)
                                                                                      3601KA Panavia V5 Standard Kit (Universal)
                PANAVIA V5 achieves an adhesive                                       3601KA Panavia V5 Standard Kit (Universal)
                                                                                      3602KA Panavia Panavia V5 V5 Standard Standard Kit Kit (Clear) (Clear)
                milestone with high bond strengths in both
                the dual- and self-cure modes, making it               FREEEE 6TKCN -KV YKVJ CP[ 2#0#8+# 8  6TKCN -KV YKVJ CP[ 2#0#8+# 8  6TKCN -KV YKVJ CP[ 2#0#8+# 8
                ideal for all types of restorations.                       -KV RWTEJCUG -KV RWTEJCUG (for(for a a limited limited time) time)..
                                                                           No redemption redemption redemption necessary. necessary. Trial Trial Trial will will will be be be attached attached attached to to to
                                                                                   Introductory and Standard Kit.

                    BUY 4                        Purchasechase 4 4 PANAVIA™PANAVIA™    BUY 4             Purchasechase 4 4 PANAVIA™PANAVIA™
                                                                                                         6$ &HPHQW 3OXV
                                                                                                         6$ &HPHQW 3OXV
                                                 9  3DVWH 5HÀOOV9  3DVWH 5HÀOOV
                                                                            3$1$9,$Œ 6$ &HPHQW 3OXV 1$9,$Œ 6$ &HPHQW 3OXV
                    3$1$9,$Œ 9  3DVWH  5HÀOOV$1$9,$Œ 9  3DVWH  5HÀOOV
                    3                            and Get Get 1 1 PANAVIA™PANAVIA™    3$                  and Get Get 1 1 PANAVIA™PANAVIA™
                                                                                                         6$ &HPHQW 3OXV
                                                 9  3DVWH 5HÀOO
                                                                                                         6$ &HPHQW 3OXV
                                                 9  3DVWH 5HÀOO
                    GET 1                  *     at at no no additional additional cost. cost.  GET 1 *  at at no no additional additional cost. cost.
                                                   PROMO CODE: QS17245
                                                                                                           PROMO CODE: QS17234
                    3$1$9,$Œ 9  3DVWH 5HÀOO1$9,$Œ 9  3DVWH 5HÀOO  3 3611KA611KA Paste Paste (Universal (Universal (A2)) (A2))  3$  3 3352KA352KA Handmix Handmix Universal Universal
                                                                            3$1$9,$Œ 6$ &HPHQW 3OXV1$9,$Œ 6$ &HPHQW 3OXV
                                                 3612KA612KA Paste Paste (Clear) (Clear)                 3353KA353KA Handmix Handmix White White
                                                 3 3613KA613KA Paste Paste (Brown (Brown (A4)) (A4))   (MustMust be be same same or or equal equal value value of of    3354KA354KA Handmix Handmix Translucent Translucent
                                                 3614KA Paste Paste (White) (White)
                                                 3614KA                     purchasedurchased product.) product.)  3382KA
                                                                                                         3382KA Automix Automix Universal Universal
                                                 3 3615KA615KA Paste Paste (Opaque) (Opaque)             3 3383KA383KA Automix Automix White White
                                                                                                         3384KA Automix Automix Translucent Translucent
                             -VY H M\SS SPZ[ VM ZWLJPHSZ  ]PZP[ \Z H[!
             *TO REDEEM: Qualifying purchases must be from authorized Kuraray dealers. A list of authorized Kuraray dealers can be found at Please send a copy of your qualifying invoice by email to or fax to 888-700-5200.
             Remember to provide the promo code for the promotion you are applying for, as well as your promotional goods choice. If no selection is indicated, default promotion will apply. Promotion item must be same or equal value of purchased products. Promotions cannot be
             combined with multiple dealers / invoices. All qualifying products must be purchased on ONE SINGLE INVOICE. Promotional Goods offer subject to change. Invoice must be dated 1/1/17 - 3/31/17. Qualifying invoices must be received no later than 4/30/17.
             *For Majesty Promotion: Buy any combination of Clearfil Majesty ES-2, ES Flow, Flow and/or Posterior as indicated and receive the free item indicated. For Free Clearfil Majesty Refill, please specify which Shade Refill and delivery system (Syringe or PLT) you prefer. If no
             choice is indicated, the promotional Majesty selection will be at our discretion. No substitutions.
             Promotion Item Choice must be of equal or lesser value of purchased. If no indication is made the default promotion will be sent. Allow approximately 6-8 weeks for PROMOTION GOODS fulfillment. Specials are valid in US only. Other restrictions may apply.
                      Kuraray America •    4HPKLU 3U ࠮ :\P[L     + ࠮ 5L^ @VYR  5@       ࠮              ࠮ R\YHYH`KLU[HS JVT
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