Page 17 - winter 2015 magazine
P. 17

We’re Working For You  (continued from page 16)           Spotlight on Natural Resources (continued from page 7)
                                                                 wash had been so loved (a euphe-
                                                                                                        The Team
                                                                 mism for being overly used) that
                                                                                                     Blaine Benedict
                                                                 the trail was 12 to 18 inches deep
                                                                                                     Naomi Bettencourt
                                                                 in places. Repairing the damage     Lawrence Breeding
                                                                 required two weekends of hauling    Peter Boghossian
                                                                 and placing nearby rocks and boul-  Richard Coate
                      John Minardi and Frank Grace               ders to line the eroded areas as a   Sasha Cohen
                           Graffiti Removal                                                          Larry Dunn Jr.
                                                                 base for phase two. This was done
          John and Frank share their time and talents eradicating                                    Frank Grace
       graffiti from the Canyon. They’ve assembled a team of     the old-fashioned way: manual la-   Dwight Hempel
       over 40 individuals and have twice monthly workdays.      bor. Phase two was a little more    Tom Hughes

           Frank, an Oregon native and cycling enthusiast, has an   complicated but was much easier   Richard Lewnau
                                                                                                     Sue Kolar
       extensive background in law enforcement.                  on the volunteers’ backs and arms:
                                                                                                     Roger Kolar
                                                                 Mule power courtesy of Cowboy       Greg McCabe
                                                                 Trail Rides and lots of help from   Bart McMahon
           Roger and I
       moved to Las Ve-                                          The Bristlecone Chapter of the      Wyatt Mulvey
       gas from the Chi-                                         Backcountry Horsemen of Nevada,     Susan Murphy
       cago area in 2002                                         Future Farmers/Ranchers of Amer-    Keith Nagel
       and met our first                                         ica, The United States Air Force,   Cayla Nikodemus
       tortoise (Maxine)                                                                             “Doc” Osgood
       in 2005. We have                                          the Red Rock Canyon Interpretive    Austin Prather
                                                                                                     Dan Puglisi
       been volunteering                                         Association and the Bureau of       Jeremy Schulz
       in the habitat ever                                       Land Management. The Team and       Gavin Schulz
       since that wonder-          Sue and Roger Kolar           partners moved over 16 tons of      Mark Upchurch
       ful day and are cur-     Tortoise Habitat Coordinators    soil from the staging area to the   Gary Vetter
       rently the co-chairs of Friends Tortoise Habitat Committee.
                                                                 prepped areas to bring the trail    Chuck Williams
           We both have degrees in accounting and have worked in   back up to the proper level.      Tim Williams
       auditing. Roger audited government agencies for the U.S.
       Government Accountability Office for 30 years. Sue’s best   Thank you to The Team for smoothing our way
       job was working with five agencies to assist homeless fam-  for safe hiking. You are our unsung heroes.
       ilies as they moved towards permanent housing.

                                         Joe and I have volun-
                                     teered for the Photo Con-
                                     test since 1999 and as-
                                     sumed the lead roles in                  Save the Dates!
                                     2009. We have a wonder-
                                     ful and consistent team of

                                     volunteers who help us
                                     with the advertising, re-       The 2015 Annual Red Rock
              Joe and Mary Labie
           Photo Contest Coordinators    ceiving and returning the
             and Procurement Team    entries, helping with the       Canyon Photo Contest will
       artists’ reception and creating the annual calendar.
           Another job we have is researching and procuring mer-   accept entries May 1, 2 and 3.
       chandise for Friends – everything from event giveaways
       and retail items to volunteer rewards and organization

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