Page 12 - Winter 2014 magazine
P. 12
H those four levels. As
ow are Volunteer Appreciation Rewards
determined and how does the program
Friends operates on a fis-
work? Well, let me tell you that it is not
an easy task. I have seen firsthand how complicated cal year basis, hours
recorded by volun-
and time-consuming it is. However, Friends realizes teers begin on Oc-
the importance of acknowledging and rewarding tober 1 and end the
volunteerism. Keeping that in mind, it is a program following September 30.
worthy of the time and effort. Hours recorded after September 30
may affect a person’s Volunteer Appreciation Re-
First, in order to make your volunteer hours count,
ward level and, of course, reward gift.
they must be recorded. When volunteering at the
Rock, whether it is in the tortoise habitat, front desk, A minimum of forty hours per fiscal year qualifies
trail maintenance, attending a Friends meeting, volunteers for these additional rewards: Annual Pass-
workdays or pulling weeds, etc., your hours need to es to the Rock, an invitation to the Friends of Red
be entered in the record. Volgistics, the BLM data- Rock Canyon Annual Banquet and one of our beauti-
base, is preferred or the Volunteer Record binder ful name badges. America the Beautiful Volunteer
behind the Information Desk can be used. Contact Passes are awarded when a volunteer reaches 250
Chuck Williams,, hours of service. Once achieved, the record starts
if you need information on using Volgistics. over toward another 250 hours.
Volunteer Appreciation Rewards are based on four Volunteer Appreciation Rewards were presented at
levels of volunteer service: first—40 to 99 hours; the Quarterly Meeting on November 16, 2013.
second—100 to 249 hours; third—250 to 499 hours;
Congratulations to all who earned rewards for Fiscal
and fourth —500+ hours. Reward gifts, selected and
ordered in advance, are determined according to Year 2013.
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