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4 Friends oF red rock canyon
Member Updates By Mary E. Labie
Welcome to our newest members of the Friends of Red Rock Canyon family!
See Kean Chuah Robert Cohen Ray Curry
Laura S. Gilsmann David Grayson Deanne Grayson
James W. Hartley Janet D. Hartley Sarah P. Johnson
Cheryl Lau Tom Lau Lynn Martinez
Daniel Micsunescu Diana O’Connor Betty L. Potter
David Richards Peter Sbraccia Beth Schuck
Brian Schuck Kelly Sell Alice Stewart-Hatchett
Jocelyn Torres
Making Friends
Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
By Mary E. Labie
We’re expanding our member recruiting to being out where the action is. Their base
efforts! is the Calico Basin/Red Spring Picnic Area,
where they can greet visitors who are hiking,
Thanks to Liz Carmer and Carol Swearingen picnicking or just taking leisurely strolls on
who offered to join our recruitment team by the boardwalk.
taking membership recruiting to the outdoors.
In addition to this new venture, Liz is also the Their purpose is two-fold: First, to pro-
Canyon Cleanup Lead and Carol is a Native mote the “Leave No Trace” Program that
Plant Team member, so they are accustomed is sponsored by the Bureau of Land Man-
agement. This is a conservation awareness
program reminding Canyon users to leave
no trace of trash while enjoying recreational
activities throughout the Red Rock Canyon
National Conservation Area. Second, to add
to our member roster by sharing the benefits
of joining Friends of Red Rock Canyon and
participating in all the volunteer opportunities
Did you know that Friends’ members pro-
vide 78% of the volunteer base at Red Rock?
Members = Volunteers.
Photo by Liz Carmer
the Rock - Volume 7 Issue 2