P. 18

                                FILTER TEST MACHINE

                                                 The  ��lter  Test  Mach�ne  prov�des  h�gh  repeatab�l�ty  by
                                                 advanced  25  mm  extruder  un�t,  melt  pump  and  pressure
                                                 sensors.  Prov�des  h�gh  repeatab�l�ty  �n  masterbatch,
                                                 compaund and standard��at�on works.

    It can measure by us�ng f�lters �n standard s��es (between 44 m�crons and 5 m�crons�. Measur�ngs are made accord�ng to EN-
    13900-5 ��lter test norms. W�th fully automat�c computer control, prov�des m�n�m��ed user errors for the mach�ne.

    �utomat�c result screen, data transfer w�th USB, data transfer to off�ce programs, rec�pe sav�ng funct�ons.

                       CONTROL PANEL
                       Extruder control panel �s des�gned for easy use. The screw and feed�ng’s revolut�ons can be adjusted,
                       head’s pressure and other parameters can be seen by 10' standard touch screen. The values �n the
                       formulas can be saved to the dev�ce memory. By the way, you can call the formulas stored �n the
                       memory by typ�ng the�r number or name and get the mach�ne ready for use.

                   TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS                GM SS2532
                 SCREW DIAMETER          mm                   25
                 BARREL LENGTH           L/D                  32
                 SCREW SPEED            RPM                  0-200
                 INSTALLED POWER         kW                   9
                 TEMPERATURE             °C                  0-350
                 PRESSURE RANGE          bar                 0-350
                 FILTER SIZE            micron        5 - 10 - 15 - 19 - 25 - 35 - 44

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