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ALFAVOX creates highest quality
solutions on the world market of
advanced platforms for
telecommunications systems. As
a supplier of Customer Experience
solutions, ALFAVOX perfectly identifies
the needs of modern business, giving
priority to building customers’
competitive advantage, while taking
into account their uniqueness and
individuality. ALFAVOX’s offer is geared
towards banking & finance, outsourcing,
contact center, e-commerce, customer
service offices, power and gas
industries, public administration and
health care. ALFAVOX offers a
comprehensive portfolio of flexible,
state-of-the-art telehealth solutions.
The ALFAVOX Virtual Consulting Room required for all conversations
protects healthcare professionals and • Elimination of the risk of transferring
an infection
• Remote consultation available • Shorter waiting times in comparison
to traditional appointments
• Consultations carried out from • Medical personnel give advice and
anywhere, with no need to issue e-Prescriptions, e-Sick Notes or
leave home
e-Referrals or further diagnosis of
• Consultations with no need for the treatment
masks, which are currently
Our Alfa Contact Centre, ALFAVOX Virtual Consulting Room and AALIA Virtual Assistant
form the core of our range. The Alfa Contact Centre is a professional solution providing a
smart and versatile communication service for medical facilities. The ALFAVOX Virtual
Consulting Room is a professional tool for establishing contact between doctors, nurses
and patients. AALIA, a voice bot for confirming appointments and answering patients’
most pressing questions, relieves a facility’s staff of the burden of dealing with most
standard queries. When it comes to transformation in the world of telemedicine, ALFAVOX
is a tried and trusted partner. Our experts are ready and waiting to help you achieve your
Social media Website
Michał Góra Magdalena Kwiecień
President of the Board Marketing Development Advisor
+48 530 766 222 +48 796 107 133
5 Polish Investment & Trade Agency