Page 5 - Lone Wolf Technologies Brochure 001_Neat
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Closed Loop
Hot and Cold Closed Loops: Closed loop systems are overlooked in the water treatment
industry and small changes in the water chemistry go unnoticed. This eventually leads to
corrosion which can be difficult to correct. Keeping your
equipment temperature controlled starts with an efficient
and clean closed loop system. Lone Wolf Technologies
offers a variety of closed loop solutions and we are
constantly working to expand our knowledge and extend
our closed loop services.
Closed Loop Services:
Monthly, quarterly or annual water testing
Volume Studies
Leak detection
Closed loop cleaning and flushing
Chemical treatment of both hot and cold loops
o Protection from corrosion and pitting
Proper glycol concentration for prevention of bacterial growth and pumping problems
Glycol freeze protection of closed cooling loops
o Glycol
o Inhibited glycol
o Pre-mix of inhibited glycol
Extended lifespan of your loop
Optimal heating/cooling
Corrosion protection
Protection from pitting
Freeze protection
Bacterial growth prevention
Lone Wolf Technologies will be happy to assist you with any water treatment problem you
may have, regardless of size and scope. If there is any other service you need provided, do not
hesitate to reach out to a Lone Wolf Technologies representative.
Lone Wolf Technologies treats all loops differently depending on the results of our extensive
water analysis. We strive to ensure that you get the most out of our service!