Page 29 - Hillside 2017 Newsletter for Web
P. 29

'Adopt' a Rescued Animal at Hillside

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         *Murdoch & Darcy

                                                                                                                            *Billy Griffin the Pig                                                                                                                       Clydesdales

    *La Vizelle    *Misty & Frosty
an ex-Racehorse

                                    *Inti & Lupi     *Rosemary                 *Clover and  *Beauty the Sheep               *Tessa
                                    the Alpacas         Rabbit                   Bramble                                    Turkey

                   Adopt one or more to receive a certificate, twice-yearly report and photograph                                                                                                                                                                           *Henrietta
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ex-battery Hen
                   of each animal. Your contribution will help to feed and care for our rescued animals.

                   We ask for a minimum donation of £10 yearly for each adoption. (Please allow 7 days for delivery).

* Doris Duck I would like to ‘Adopt’__________________________________________

                   For myself/as a gift for: (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) _________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                   *Candy-Floss
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the Highland Cow
                   (DELETE AS APPLICABLE)            BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE     FORENAME                                     SURNAME
                   Address________________________________________ If you are giving this adoption                                                                                                                                                                         Shire

                   ______________________________________________________________________________________________  as a present, please complete                                                                                                                            *Kevin & Kimberley
                                                                                                                   YOUR details below:                                                                                                                                          Kunekune pigs
*Katy the Pony     Postcode______________________________________________________________________________          Name (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms)

                   My 'Sanctuary Number' is 5                                      If you are a new supporter      Address
                                                                                  please write ‘NEW’ in boxes
                   Please send first photo & report to ME
                                                                to the RECIPIENT

                   For: Valentine’s Day Mother’s Day Easter Birthday Other

                                                                                     (Please circle choice)

                   Date you require adoption to arrive by_________________________                                 Postcode
                   I would like to include the message (maximum 5 words including your name)                       Tel No :

*Dancer & Prancer                                                                                                             (Please add £2 for postage abroad)

I enclose £ ______ (minimum £10) or I prefer to pay by STANDING ORDER and enclose the SO form on page 6


 Email__________________________________Signature _______________________ Date _____________

                                                                                                                   Valid date....../...... Expiry date....../......

            or debit my Visa/Mastercard/Maestro No.                                                                Last 3 digits on signature strip.........
13 * Monty Dog
                                                                                                                   Issue No......(Maestro only)                                                                                                                          *Murphy the Mule

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