Page 14 - Hillside 2018 Web Newsletter
P. 14

A Rainy Day at Hillside...

A wet and windy December morning at Hillside...

Bracing Ourselves for Another Difficult Winter...

By November 2018 the Norfolk             It is hard to convey the challenge of       as comfortable as possible.
weather had once again turned wet        keeping over 3000 rescued animals           Thousands of bales form walls to
and windy and, with Christmas            during such difficult conditions. Each and  provide shelter from the winter
approaching, the rain seemed to be       every one is as important as the last.      weather, while lots more are used
settling in for longer and heavier       Every life, where they have been let down   to give the animals a sufficient dry
spells.                                  in the past, now depending on us for their  living area
As we look towards 2019, current                                                     In addition to other feed, we also
forecasts are predicting a harsh winter  Our responsibility, to keep them warm       need around 150 tonnes of hay each
and some have warned that we could       and well fed, and to provide them with      and every week, just to keep all the
be in for the ‘coldest winter in years’  dry-standing, is one we take extremely      animals well fed.
with a risk of ‘crippling snowfall’.     seriously. Yet, in the face of seemingly
                                         constant rain and sometimes freezing        Providing all this throughout the
                                         conditions, it pushes our funds, and our    winter would be impossible without
                                         staff, who care deeply for our animals, to  the help of our dedicated and
                                         the limit of what we can acheive.           compassionate staff and our caring
                                                                                     and generous supporters. We would
                                         The key to making this work is vast         like to thank you all for your support,
                                         quantities of straw to make our animals     particularly during difficult times
                                                                                     such as these.

                                                 Prolonged heavy rain meant this straw bed would need
                                                 a top-up much sooner than in dry weather...

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