Page 7 - Museum Book Earls Lappin JRW
P. 7
The original Coquina
Sands sales office.
The development was
the first subdivision
that was north of the
Beach Club and west
of U.S. 41.
An early aerial showing Coquina Sands
under development (the large sand
area just north of the Beach Club Golf
Course). Doctor’s Pass is just north of
Coquina in what would become The
Moorings. Note that there are already
homes in Lake Park and other areas
between U.S. 41 and the train tracks.
Goodlette-Frank Rd. would eventually be
built on the old train right of way.
Park Shore in the early development
stages with the serpent shaped road of
Mermaid’s Bight. Gulf Shore Blvd. North
(at top of photo) would eventually be
extended allowing beach and bayfront
condos to be constructed.