Page 6 - JRW Museaum Book Aug2019
P. 6
The original John R.
Wood office on 5th
Ave. South, with its
plate glass window
busted out after
Hurricane Donna hit
on Sept. 10, 1960.
Very few store owners
boarded up their
storefront windows,
but Donna changed
that strategy forever.
Bonita Springs was
hit even harder
than Naples by
the hurricane. The
young newspaper The Naples Pier was mostly destroyed by
known as the Bonita the hurricane, but was rebuilt through the
Banner had to be generosity of the Lester Norris family, who
hand written in owned Keewaydin Island just south of Port
order to publish Royal. The family has continued to be a
an edition 5 days major benefactor over the years for many
after the storm, local causes.
due to the lack of