Page 26 - FMR64_Trafficking and smuggling & Climate crisis and local communities_2020_web
P. 26

FMR 64
   26                    Climate crisis and local communities                                       June 2020

         Oxfam/Pablo Tasco

       Women head to the water point in Eilmidgan village where Oxfam has built a water desalination plant.
       perpetrators who are then released back   sticks and torches, while elderly women
       into the community, and the formal systems   collect water or look for missing livestock.
       are inaccessible due to distance and cost.   Men in fear of revenge killings stay away
       Many women are raped during the night   from homes at night, either sleeping in
       while sleeping, especially in those areas   hiding, staying awake in shifts, or sleeping
       where clan conflicts happen frequently:  outside and posting guards. Many men
                                            carry guns for their protection, travel in
       “My husband brought us here and left to find work.   groups, use torches and keep in touch to
       I have eight daughters and two sisters with me in   warn each other of potential danger.
       this IDP camp. They are all under 17 years. I don’t
       sleep at night. I keep on watching them to sleep   Local response and programming
       safely. I try to sleep at noon time.” (Woman from   The response to rising humanitarian needs  is
       Fadhigaab IDP camp, Sanaag region)
                                            being met largely by the UN and international
          When struggling to secure livelihoods,   NGOs (INGOs), to whom most of the donor
       families will often marry their daughters to   funding flows directly. However, much
       wealthy men and this was one of the main   of the response is delivered by local and
       issues raised in focus group discussions,   national NGOs, especially in conflict areas,
       with many of the girls interviewed   to which international agencies lack access.
       fearing early and forced marriage.   Through the Grand Bargain agreement and
          Communities have developed a variety of   the Charter for Change, donors and INGOs
       coping mechanisms to deal with the gendered  have committed to localisation – giving
       effects of climate crisis and displacement.   local and national organisations and Somali
       To avoid sexual violence and rape, women   government agencies more direct funding
       and girls travel in groups, change times they   and more space to lead humanitarian
       leave camps, do not share their movements   responses by, for example, increasing
       with men for fear of being stalked, and carry   their participation in decision making.
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