Page 2 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 2

           NO PROBLEM.

Burt's Bees ... Crocs ... MySpace ...

You've heard countless success stories of people turning great ideas into
gold. And you've probably asked yourself, "Why can't I do that?" Well,
you can-the trick is knowing how to take those good ideas you have
and build them into great products that can succeed in the marketplace.
In Your Idea, Inc., you'll get the t welve-step plan you need to make your
new product or service a profitable reality. You'll learn important skills
for success, including how to:

Refine your Idea to attract a        • Create appropriate brand
target audience                         messaging

Research your prime                     Budd buzz online and beyond
                                        Work trade shows and
Find the right manufacturer             conventions

With Sandy Abrams-a successful entrepreneur with no prior business
experience-as your guide, you'll be on the track to making millions in
no time!

                           Sandy Abrams made her dream come true when she had              UPC •
                           a revolutionary idea and turned It Into a multimillion-dollar
                           company A self-taught entrepreneur Without a business back­

                           ground. Ms. Abrams is the founder and CEO of MOisture Jamzz.

                           Inc., a bath and body manufacturer and wholesaler bulit around
                           her signature product. Moisture Jamzz MOisture Gloves· A
                           member of the International Spa Association, Mrs. Abrams
                           enjOys a respected pOSition Within the beauty Industry She
                           lives In Southern California

114 95 (CAN 11/99)         Business

tSBN·13 978·1·59869·909·8              �

IS8N·1O 1·59869·909·'             I           BUSINESS
IIII IIiI l1tiilil�9781598699098
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