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Also By Adam Khoo

                                   I Am Gifted, So Are You!

                 Master Your Mind, Design Your Destiny

                How to Multiply Your Child's Intelligence

         Nurturing the Winner & Genius in Your Child

                         Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires

                            Secrets of Millionaire Investors

                             Clueless in Starting a Business


This book contains the ideas and opinions of the author. It is not a recommendation to
purchase or sell any of the securities, businesses or investment discussed herein. The
author and publisher are not stockbrokers, broker dealers, or registered investment advisors.
We do not recommend any particular stock, investment or securities of any kind. If
particular stock and investments are mentioned, they are mentioned only for illustrative
and educational purposes.
Although we have made the best efforts to provide the most accurate and up to date
information, no warranty or guarantee is given regarding the accuracy, reliability, veracity
or completeness of the information provided herein. The author and publisher disclaim
any responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, which may arise as a consequence, directly
or indirectly, from the use and application of any of the ideas, strategies or techniques in
this book.
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