Page 26 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 26

CHAPTER 2 - Skills

The following chapters will mostly list the 597 business ideas without further
comments, except in a few cases.

    Some business ideas fit into several skill categories and will be mentioned
in each as most readers won’t read the entire list, but rather focus on their
areas of interest.

    The same goes for the aforementioned platforms:

    - Kindle Publishing
    - Youtube(*)
    - Course Creation(*)
    - eCommerce(*)
    - Podcasting(*)

    While it might seem repetitive at times, these platforms combined with a
specific skill or expertise each form a separate business option and most
people never consider them - or think they are much too complicated to start.
Not something they could ever do.

    They aren’t, however, you just need someone to show you how. I already
mentioned the courses I recommend, and the links will be included again
throughout the book.

    So, without further ado……

    Let’s begin!
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