Page 85 - Effective Time Management Strategies
P. 85

Effective Time Management Strategies

Whenever possible, set the mood, or control the
environment where you communicate. People in a
relaxed state of mind are more receptive to

Start conversations in a disarming or neutralizing
manner. While many managers and business
owners feel chit chat is a waste of time, this can
disarm people and put them in a receptive state. In
addition, you will often get more and useful
information from people when chatting.
A defensive person usually has reduced listening
They will not hear most of what you say. A person
on the defensive will be stopped by the words they
find offensive.
You will waste an incredible amount of time
breaking down someone in a defensive state.

Allow Time for Questions
In addition to having people repeat your instructions
or statements, ask them if they have questions.
In a group setting, allow private time for one on one
questions from individuals involved in the group.
This could also be by email. People will often ask
questions privately that they would not ask in a

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