Page 83 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 83

Being a learning organization, however, means more than just
wanting to improve. Renowned business writer Peter Senge views
a learning organization as one “Where people continually expand
their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new
and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective
aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning to
see the whole together.”

In practice

Senge believes that five disciplines are central to learning
organizations. Consider which of these five vital aspects of learning
could be improved within your business:

1. Systems thinking is the ability to comprehend and address the
    whole, understanding the interrelationship between the parts.
    One of the key problems with many businesses is that they apply
    simplistic frameworks to what are complex systems. We tend to
    focus on the parts rather than seeing the whole, and fail to see
    organization as a dynamic process. So a better appreciation of
    systems will lead to more appropriate action.

2. Personal mastery is the ability to clarify our personal vision, focus
    our energies, be patient, and display objectivity. People with a
    high level of personal mastery are continually learning, they
    are acutely aware of their ignorance and their growth areas, and
    yet they are also deeply self-confident. This seems paradoxical,
    but for people with personal mastery the journey is seen as
    the reward.

3. Mental models are deeply ingrained views, assumptions, and
    generalizations that influence how we understand the world
    and how we act. Using mental models starts with looking in
    the mirror: learning to unearth our internal pictures of the

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