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P. 274

time management

Rhythms, natural, 193–200             allocating, 170             Wright, Jan Benson, 112
Robinson, John, 16                    controlling, 73–74          Writing, instant, 123–29
Saying “no,” 111–13,                  defining, 74–75
                                      delegating, 186–87
    119–20                            eliminating unnecessary
Scheduling tasks, 47, 49,
                                                   steps, 183–84
    77–80                             interruptions in, 72–73
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 8           letting go of, 187–88
Schor, Juliet, 15                     prioritizing, 75–77
Scott, Dru, 37                        scheduling, 77–80
Selye, Hans, 217, 221                 swapping, 187
Shopping, 16–17                       trading off, 117–18
Shoulder shrugs, 66              Telephone interruptions,
Sleep, 35–36, 203–11                 84–86
Sleep apnea, 206–7               Television, 16, 17
Sleeping pills, 208–9            Tickler files, 138
Smoking, 196–98, 208             Time, definition of, 10–11
Social attitudes, 33–34          Time logging exercise,
Software                             18–22
                                 To-do lists
   for collaboration, 179             creating, 44–52
   for idea management,               dangers in, 41–42
                                      making time with, 90
               178–79                 reality and, 42–43
   for personal organization          software for, 179
                                 Tranquilizers, 208–9
               and to-do-lists,  Trays, stacking, 135
               179               TreePad, 179
   for project management,       Two-income households,
               177–78                8, 15
   for time management,          Two-minute breaks, 67–68
               175–77            Unnecessary work, 183–85
“Something’s got to give”        Urgency vs. importance,
    theory, 117–18                   86–88, 104–5
Spain, 15                        Values-centered life, 258–61
Specifications, 167–68           Video conferencing, 96
Staff meetings, 97–97,           Visualization, 65–66
    106–8                        Visual Mind, 178
Stookey, Paul, 244–45            Waiting, 142–48
Stress, 7, 16–17, 71, 210,       “Want to/have to” question,
    215–27                           88–89
Striker, Fran, 249               Witkin, Georgia, 216, 223
Students, 161–63                 Work avoidance work, 185
Subconscious, 55–56,             Working under pressure, 6
    246–47                       Workloads, 71
SureTrak Project Manager         Work weeks, 15–16
    3.0, 178                     Worry, 3, 231–39
Swapping tasks, 187
Sweden, 15
Switzerland, 15

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