Page 21 - 2023 Okatibbee Fall Issue
P. 21

Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
                                                             Magnol   ia Cr appie Club    Adv entur es   Magazine
                Fishing with Trae McWilliams - By Bernard Williams - Outdoor Writer

         Every so often, a kid comes along that                 Yazoo City, MS. It’s the closest to my house.”
                                  makes a real impres-            How big is the largest
                                  sion on you, introduc-        fish you have caught,
                                  ing Joe David McWil-          “I’ve caught a 2.76#
                                  liams III, aka Trae.          Crappie and a 40# Cat-
                                  I’ve watched him grow         fish.”
                                  from a pip-squeak to a          How many times have
                                  teenager almost over-         you won MCC Youth An-
                                                                gler of the Year, “I won
                                    You can tell a child        “Most Participation two
                                  that’s been raised with       times and Youth Angler
                                  discipline. This is that      three times straight.
        kid. His mother or father don’t play, period.           This year will make it
        He knows what not to do.                                          four.”
        His focus is on the outdoors,                                      Who
        hunting, and fishing; I don’t                                     is your
        think girls are a priority just                                   men-
         I’ve seen this boy on days it                                    (fa-
        was too cold, too hot, and in                                     vorite
        the rain where you couldn’t                                       per-
        see your hand in front of your                                    son)
        face. What I’m trying to say is                                   in the
        that he’s a real soldier.                                         crap-

                                    Our                                   pie
                                  interview for this arti-      fishing indus-
                                  cle went as follows.          try, “I would
                                    What age did you            have to say,
                                  start fishing, “Around        Mr. Walley
                                  four years old. My dad        Marshall, Mr. Crappie. He put my dad and me
                                  put a reel in my hand a       on the Pro Staff. We got matching jerseys
                                  little earlier.”              too.”
                                    What species of               What are your dreams when it comes to
                                  fishing do you enjoy,                                         fishing and hunt-
                                  “Crappie, Catfish,                                            ing, “I want
                                  Bass, Skipjack, Gators,                                       to become a
                                  and anything that will                                        Professional. I
        bite my hook.”                                                                          want my own TV
                                                                                                show, ‘Outdoors
         Who taught you the most about fishing,
        “My dad, Mr. Robby Niven, and Mr. Chad Rog-                                             With Trae McWil-
        ers.”                                                                                   liams.”
         What’s your favorite Lake, “Wolf Lake in

                             21 - Adventures Magazine - MCC 2023 Lake Washington Issue
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