Page 15 - 2022 Enid Lake Issue
P. 15
Magnolia Crappie Club Adventures Magazine
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In-depth with the Hottest Crappie Team in the Country
Hayden & Dan Jeffries – Part 2
By Bernard Williams, Outdoor Writer, Magnolia Crappie Club
“I started using the live sonar after be- dad is the calming voice that keeps me from
ing told it was the future of crappie,” said over-reacting. He does all of the culling, re-
21-year-old Hayden Jeffries. “I spent count- tying, and weighing of fish. We know exactly
less hours learning how to use it only to where we stand at all times of the day. I
enjoy catching fish. We never dreamed or consider us the total team; we work excellent
expected to be where we are today. together.”
“We were out there having fun trying to As for Hayden’s plans for the future?
learn how to catch a few fish. After learning
what I was doing, we fished a Magnolia Crap-
pie Club tournament on Barnett two seasons “I’m not sure where I’m headed next,” he
ago and finished 5th,” continued Hayden. said. “My main goal is to somehow fish for a
“We figured we could be competitive, so we living. Once I finish college – I’m in my final
decided to fish with MCC for the rest of that semester – I plan to fish all of the major
season. The next tournament went well, trails and start my guide service. I want to
and then we made it to Grenada Lake; we expand my crappie guide service. I’m just
weighed one fish. We had our first win in the going to take life as it comes and see what
spring at Sardis Lake the following season. happens. I enjoy making memories with my
That lit a fire that we have yet to be able to dad. My lifelong dream is to own a fishing
control. Since that tournament, we’ve been tackle specialty store, like Grizzly Jig.”
pressing as hard as possible to become more
competitive utilizing live sonar.” Hayden’s main tip for other anglers?
Asked if they use minnows or any live bait, “The biggest tip I can give to other anglers
Dan said, “We try everything possible before is to dig deeper, thoroughly investigate and
using live bait, but we’re not against using research your technique. Never think that
live bait.” you know what you are doing because the
fish will prove that wrong quickly. I tell peo-
Asked about the importance of a good ple that this crappie fishing game is more
partner, Hayden said, “Dad is a vital part of mental than a skill. You have to have the
our success as a team. He is so much more right mentality, temperament, and attitude.
than a net man. He keeps me focused all day Look into the tiny details that most people
while he keeps the rest of the boat running. may ignore. Time management is critical; fish
I catch a fish, turn around, hand him a rod clean and efficient. Make every bite count.”
and the fish, pick up a new rod, and go back Continued on page 27 ...................
fishing. That’s called time management. My
15 - Adventures Magazine - MCC Enid Lake 2022 Issue